Comment made by Prof. Mara Tzoncheva at the exhibition in 1980 in the city of Sofia, Bulgaria
Untitled (Casa Blachik), 45x55cm c/1938 | Oil on canvas

Comment made by Prof. Mara Tzoncheva at the exhibition in 1980 in the city of Sofia, Bulgaria

Witnesses of the early art of Bronca Giurova, before leaving for Argentina in 1951, its landscapes reminiscent talented, deep lyrical feeling, mainly offshore. Remember his 1942 exhibition which dominated the landscape of the town of Balchik and the Riviera city of Varna, filled with a delicate and poetic atmosphere of the resources of an impressionist painting elegant, soft and ethereal, in a high range of a silver clear and sun radiating light.

The current exhibition Bronka Giurova almost 40 years after the first consisting of mainly paintings made during his last years in Argentina and Brazil, and nearly one third drawn in 1979 – 1980 in Bulgaria. The exhibition is not “retrospective”, but is a universal journey that shows a path of creative talent tempered and enriched by the difficulties of life. Bronka Giurova has been true to their landscape preferences. But it has repeatedly extended the theme by adding new elements, enrich their emotional perceptions dominate, deepening and expanding the resources of painting plastics. Landscapes identified in the current show witness a real growth creator. Without losing the softness and lyricism of her early landscapes already looking statements perennial in nature, not only to external effects associated with it. In his new paintings are in addition to the notes of a poetic drama other content.

Her art is more consistent in shape and volume, conducting plastic is a new perception of the meaning of material nature, the colors have also been enriched by a more solid material and a variety of tones and semitones. There is also a considerable expansion of the theme.

The attraction for maritime landscapes have been preserved as a distant memory: beaches, coastal areas, and others. Now prevails, however, the mountainous landscape of Argentina, which played heavily in this way reminds our homeland. The subject is enriched by the concern for the human being – the humble man of the people – as a reflection of the social ferment of Latin American countries: images of people in the mountains – mainly Indians, mulattoes.

With these few words to greet the artist in her homeland and wish her success with all my heart that her exposure it deserves.

Mara Tzoncheva